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Our Story

Our mission is to discover, develop, and commercialize medicines that improve the lives of patients by combining the potential of high-value GPCR drug targets with the power of state-of-the-art small molecule drug discovery technologies. Septerna’s Native Complex Platform™ is the engine that will make this happen, moving ideas for disease-modifying therapies from possibility to reality.

Septerna has assembled a team that thrives on innovation, combining pioneering GPCR scientists with experienced drug hunters. Our founders have made seminal discoveries that reveal the inner workings of GPCRs and how they control physiology. Our scientists have built upon these unique insights to develop our industrial-scale Native Complex Platform™.

We are focusing the Native Complex Platform™ on tackling previously difficult-to-drug GPCR targets, and our small molecule drug discovery efforts have rapidly advanced, resulting in a pipeline of innovative programs. With an unprecedented level of productivity, we are setting the stage for a new future for GPCR-targeted medicines.

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Our Team

Adam Naguib, PhD

Discovery Biology

Alan Ezekowitz, MD, DPhil

Interim Chief Medical Officer

Ali Masoudi, PhD

Protein Sciences

Alonzo Bell


Amer M. Mirza, PhD

Vice President, Disease Biology and Translational Sciences

Andres Perez Rivas

Protein Sciences

Andrew Raub, PhD

Medicinal Chemistry

Angela Chen


Annemarie Lekkerkerker, PhD

Disease Biology

Antonij Tjahjadi, MBA, CPA


Ariel Wein, PhD

Protein Sciences

Bartholomew Roland, PhD

Discovery Biology

Belinda Hetzler, PhD

Drug Discovery

Cameron Smith, MS

Drug Discovery

Chen He, PhD

Disease Biology

Chia-Hung Tai, Masters in Bioengineering

Discovery Biology

Chris Heise, PhD

Vice President, Discovery Biology

Consuelo Alatorre


Daniel Long, DPhil

Senior Vice President, Drug Discovery

David Martin, PhD

Senior Vice President, Development Sciences

Dean P. Staus, PhD

Protein Sciences

Deniz Aydin, PhD

Computational Chemistry

George Xu, PhD

Senior Director, Corporate Development and Portfolio Strategy

Helen Van Aggelen, PhD


Homayan Banie

Disease Biology

James Wertman


Jasleen Sodhi, PhD


Jeffrey Finer, MD, PhD

Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder

Jialu Wang, PhD

Protein Sciences

Jiyoung Hwang, MSc

Protein Sciences

Julie Wilson, PhD, MBA

Product Strategy

Jun Zhang, PhD

Disease Biology

Justin Salvant, PhD

Drug Discovery

Kathryn Luderman, PhD

Discovery Biology

Ken Eng

People and Culture

Kiana Alvarez

Disease Biology

Kyle Tucker, PhD

Protein Sciences

Liz Bhatt, MS, MBA

Chief Operating Officer

Mabel Lee, MBA

Program & Portfolio Management

Matthew Volgraf, PhD

Vice President, Medicinal Chemistry, Internal Operations

Mel Manalo, MSc, PMP


Michael Broeker


Michael Wong, MSc

Protein Sciences

Miles Yamasaki

Protein Sciences

Parker Deal, PhD

Discovery Biology

Peter Rademacher, PhD

Development Sciences

Phillip Schwartz, PhD

Discovery Biology

Ran Xiao

Vice President of Finance and Business Operations

Rene Harper

Discovery Biology

Richard Hansen, PhD

Vice President, Technology

Richard van Rijn, PhD

Disease Biology

Ryan Muir, PhD

Discovery Biology

Ryan Strachan, PhD

Discovery Biology

Samira Shaikhly

Chief People Officer

Sigrid Noreng, PhD

Protein Sciences

Ton Dang

Development Sciences

Ute Hoch, PhD 

Vice President, Clinical Pharmacology and DMPK 

Uwe Klein, PhD

Senior Vice President, Biological Sciences

Victoria Wu, PhD

Disease Biology

Xiaohui Du, PhD

Vice President, Medicinal Chemistry, External Operations

Yuxi Liu, PhD

Protein Sciences

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Our Teams

Robert Lefkowitz, MD

Duke University, HHMI

Arthur Christopoulos, PhD

Monash University

Patrick Sexton, PhD, DSc

Monash University

Jeffrey Finer, MD, PhD

Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder


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